Looking for a way to remember the 10 Commandments in order? Here is a great word association tool to use to remember them. You take the number of the Commandment, associate it with another word AND a picture, then apply it to the commandment you are trying to remember. Here is Pastor's Jason's way of making this happen! You can listen to his sermon series on each one by clicking on the picture. Believe us, you'll remember them!
1=Sun: Image is of people worshipping the sun. The Commandment is, "You shall have no other God's before me."
3=Knee: Image is of a man who hurt his knee and is expressing his pain with inappropriately language. The Commandment is, "You shall not take the name of the Lord you God in vain."
5=Drive: Image of a car with a bumper sticker that says the student HONORS their father and mother. The Commandment is, "Honor your father and mother."
7=Eleven: The image is of "adult trees" in the parking lot of a convenience store. The commandment is, "You shall not commit adultery."
9=Mime: The image is of a person accusing a mime of saying something bad about them. The commandment is: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
2=Shoe: Image is of a golden calf wearing shoes. The Commandment is, "You shall not make and worship idols."
4=Door: Image is of a door in a bath tub full of holes. The Commandment is, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy." (Get it? Sab"bath"?)
6=Stickes: The image is of a man preparing to hit another man with a stick. The Commandment is, "You shall not murder."
8=Skate: The image is of.a thief on ice skates with a bag of money. The commandment is: "You shall not steal."
10=Pen: The image is a young boy really desiring the pen which the girl next to him has. The Ctommandment is: "You shall not covet."